Giulio Occhipinti

Resume 📝

Education 📚

Sep 2018 - Sep 2022

  • Politecnico di Milano | Milan, Italy
    Bachelor's Degree in Computer Engineering
  • Sep 2013 - Jul 2018

  • Liceo Scientifico Arturo Tosi | Busto Arsizio, Italy
    High School Scientific Diploma

Experience 💼

    Sep 2022 - Mar 2023

  • Azimut Direct | Milan, Italy
    On-site internship at a reputable fintech company
  • I'm doing full-stack web development with HTML, CSS, JS and PHP using the Symfony framework. I've made two projects from scratch:

    • A webapp that allows users to perform a search to a remote database containing information about the company's customers, given a .csv file with a list of codes or a single code.
    • An API of the company's tech infrastructure. CRUD, JSON, bearer token, security/permissions.... add pics maybe or move to /projects idk

    The projects are deployed with Docker and managed with Microsoft Azure.

    Other tasks include testing the company's new mobile app and some "office" work like sending emails and interacting with customers, but over 95% of the time I'm working with Symfony.

    Apr 2020 - Jan 2022

  • Go-Go Pizza | Busto Arsizio, Italy
    Deliveries for local pizzeria 🍕
  • My first part-time job I got when the COVID outbreak started, it was alright!

Skills 🛠


C, C++, Java, Python, PHP, Bash


HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Twig, JavaFX, Tkinter


git, Docker, Azure, unit testing


firewalls, VPNs, SSH, routers, Wireshark


Xilinx Vivado, VMWare, scikit-learn, IntelliJ


MySQL, Doctrine (ORM)

Linux 🐧

I've been using GNU/Linux as my main OS for over 5 years. I am comfortable working with the command line, setting up / maintaining Linux installs and troubleshooting.

PC Building & repair, overclocking

10 years of experience building, upgrading and repairing custom PCs. The components are carefully chosen according to needs (if any) and to avoid any imbalances (e.g. too much RAM).

Languages 🌍

🇮🇹 Italian


🇬🇧 English


🇪🇸 Spanish


🇫🇷 French



Please refer to the Misc page